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Database : article
Search on : BARBER, PATRICIA [Author]
References found : 4 [refine]
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 López-Valcárcel, Beatriz G., Pinilla, Jaime and Barber, Patricia Dying at home for terminal cancer patients: differences by level of education and municipality of residence in Spain. Gac Sanit, Dec 2019, vol.33, no.6, p.568-574. ISSN 0213-9111

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 Abásolo, Ignacio et al. Real waiting times for surgery: proposal for an improved system for their management. Gac Sanit, June 2014, vol.28, no.3, p.215-221. ISSN 0213-9111

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 Caballero-Hidalgo, Araceli et al. Factores predictores del inicio y consolidación del consumo de tabaco en adolescentes. Gac Sanit, Dic 2005, vol.19, no.6, p.440-447. ISSN 0213-9111

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 Dávila-Quintana, C. Delia et al. El baremo académico en el acceso a la formación médica especializada en España. FEM (Ed. impresa), Jun 2015, vol.18, no.3, p.219-224. ISSN 2014-9832

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