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Search on : HERRERA, ANTONIO [Author]
References found : 3 [refine]
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 Herrera, María del Carmen, Herrera, Antonio and Expósito, Francisca To Confront Versus not to Confront: Women’s Perception of Sexual Harassment. The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, June 2018, vol.10, no.1, p.1-7. ISSN 1889-1861

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 Carmen Herrera, M., Herrera, Antonio and Expósito, Francisca Stop Harassment!: men's reactions to victims' confrontation. The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, July 2014, vol.6, no.2, p.45-52. ISSN 1889-1861

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 Garrido-Macías, Marta et al. Sexting is not always wanted: consequences on satisfaction and the role of sexual coercion and online sexual victimization. Anal. Psicol., Dec 2023, vol.39, no.3, p.354-363. ISSN 0212-9728

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