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Database : article
Search on : RUIZ-PRIETO, INMACULADA [Author]
References found : 6 [refine]
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 Rodríguez Lazo, María et al. Alimentación familiar y percepción de riesgo en trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Nutr. Hosp., Oct 2015, vol.32, no.4, p.1786-1795. ISSN 0212-1611

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 Ruiz-Prieto, Inmaculada, Carbonero-Carreño, Rocío and Jáuregui-Lobera, Ignacio Autopercepción del estado ponderal y la forma física y su relación con el nivel de actividad física realizado, conductas alimentarias y bienestar psicosocial. Nutr. Hosp., Ene 2015, vol.31, no.1, p.203-216. ISSN 0212-1611

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 Monje Moreno, José Manuel et al. Sweets and fats tasting in patients with anorexia nervosa: the role of the thought-shape fusion cognitive distortion. Nutr. Hosp., May 2014, vol.29, no.5, p.1188-1195. ISSN 0212-1611

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 Ruiz-Prieto, Inmaculada, Bolaños-Ríos, Patricia and Jáuregui-Lobera, Ignacio Diet choice in weight-restored patients with eating disorders: progressive autonomy process by nutritional education. Nutr. Hosp., Oct 2013, vol.28, no.5, p.1725-1731. ISSN 0212-1611

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 Magallares, Alejandro et al. Antifat attitudes in a sample of women with eating disorders. Nutr. Hosp., June 2013, vol.28, no.3, p.649-653. ISSN 0212-1611

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 Magallares, Alejandro et al. Beliefs about obesity and their relationship with dietary restriction and body image perception. Anal. Psicol., May 2016, vol.32, no.2, p.349-354. ISSN 0212-9728

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