logo of the journal Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

ISSN 1699-695X - printed version
ISSN 2386-8201 - electronic version



Scope and editorial policy

The Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia, will consider for publication works related to the epidemiology, prevention and treatment of the most prevalent health problems in all areas of Family Medicine and Primary Care, as well as other clinical aspects, management and provision of services of interest for the doctor and the family doctor.

The published articles are selected for their scientific and methodological rigor, the topicality of the topics and their usefulness in clinical practice.

All articles must be prepared according to the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publications", available at http://www.icmje.org/

The journal Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia does not charge fees for job submission, nor fees for publishing your articles.

All articles submitted to the journal will be anonymously reviewed by two external reviewers, whose comments will be assessed by the Editorial Committee, reserving the right to reject works that it does not deem appropriate, as well as to propose modifications when deemed necessary.

The judgments and opinions expressed in the articles and communications published in the journal are those of those who write them and not necessarily the Editorial Board. Both the Editorial Committee, the Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria and the Sociedad Castellano-Manchega de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria decline any responsibility for said material.


Editorial process

Manuscripts will be sent by email to the address revclinmedfam@semfyc.es, together with a cover letter addressed to the director of the journal requesting the evaluation of the work for publication and specifying the section of the journal where you want it to be published. Said letter must indicate that the content of the work has not been previously published and that it has not been simultaneously sent to another journal, either in part or in its entirety. Likewise, any circumstance that could lead to a conflict of interest must be reported in this letter.

The author will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of the submitted work with an assigned identification number. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, which reserves the right to return those that do not comply with the indicated instructions.

All articles submitted to the journal will be reviewed anonymously by two external reviewers, whose comments will be assessed by the Editorial Committee, reserving the right to reject works that it does not deem appropriate, as well as to propose modifications when deemed necessary.

Whenever the Editorial Committee suggests making modifications to the articles, the authors and / or authors should send, together with the new version of the manuscript, a letter detailing the modifications made. This modified version may be sent by email, referring to the identification number previously assigned to the article and specifying that it is a modified version.

Papers sent to their authors for the introduction of modifications must be returned to the editorial office of the journal within 20 days; otherwise, the Editorial Committee does not guarantee its publication.

The corresponding author or author will be informed of the decision regarding the acceptance, new modifications or rejection of the article.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make changes to the text in order to better understand it, without resulting in a change in its content. These modifications must be approved by the authors before publication.

The author of correspondence will receive the proofs of the article for correction. The tests will be carefully reviewed and possible errors will be flagged, returning them corrected in less than 72 hours. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to admit or not the corrections made.

The full text of the "instructions to authors" (in Spanish version) is available at the following web address https://revclinmedfam.com/normas-de-publicacion/ and in pdf format.



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© 2021 Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria

Diputació, 320
08009 Barcelona (Spain)
Telf.: (+34) 93 317 03 33
