Logo of the journal Anales de Medicina Interna

ISSN 0212-7199
print version



Scope and Policy

Anales de medicina Interna will accept original manuscripts, which should be included in some of the sections of the journal and meet the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (Vancouver Norms) [An Med Interna (Madrid), 1998,15:54-60]

Editorials: They will reflect opinions on clinical entities or on partial aspects of such entities, preferably related with some of the manuscripts published in the same number of the journal where they appear. Although  the Editorial Board of the Journal requests these papers, if any author wishes to cooperate with this section, he/she should write to the Editor-in Chief. The maximum length will be 4 pages.

Original manuscripts: Clinical or experimental research papers applied to Medicine, mainly of prospective character. The maximum length will be 12 pages, 4 figures and 5 tables.

Preliminary communications: Experimental or clinical papers applied to Medicine which are being developed or papers, under research stage, whose authors are interested in presenting them with a preliminary character. The maximum length will be 10 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables.

Clinical notes: The description of clinical cases of exceptional observation or which present some outstanding aspects that may represent a relevant contribution to a better knowledge of the disease. The maximum length will be 5 pages, 2 figures and 2 tables.

Joint reviews: This section will include those papers that carry out a complete updating of a clinical entity or of some partial aspect of such entity. Preference will be given to those papers dealing with the clinical entities that have been more subjected to critical review and etiopathogenic and psychopathological interpretation, and the references of which contain the most recent publications on the reviewed subject. The maximum length  will be 14 pages, 5 figures and 4 tables.

Consensus conference: Consensus meeting and conferences on Internal Medicine topics.

Hypotheses: Articles dealing with possible etiopathogenic, psychopathological interpretations, etc of diseases, provided that these interpretations are built on a clinical and/or experimental base supporting the hypotheses, either provided by the author of the paper or by other authors. The maximum length will be 6 pages and 2 figures.

Points of view: Personal opinion section about medical and scientific topics. The maximum length will be 6 pages.

Clinical-pathological sections: Papers about the development of a clinical session will be published, in which the case will be presented by the doctor who is studying the patient to another physician who will analyze it, make a differential diagnoses in order of preference. Likewise, opinions or questions by other attending physicians will be gathered. Finally, the anatomy pathologist will speak about the corresponding findings. The case, which will always be a closed case, will be debated under the coordination of a moderator. Whenever necessary, it should be 12 pages and 8 figures.

Medical Education: This section will publish manuscripts dealing with educational methodology for Medicine, structuring of the medical education in or country and in the main universities and medical schools worldwide; Technological advances in pre and graduate education inside and outside the university, etc. The maximum length will be 10 pages.

Letters to the Editor: Comments of critiques in relation to the papers recently published in the journal. The maximum length will be 2 pages, with 10 references, 1 figure or1 table.

Medical humanities: Papers on medical sociology, history of medicine, medical psychology, bioethics, etc. The maximum length will be 8 pages.

Anales de Medicina Interna journal is exclusively distributed among medical professionals.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The manuscripts should be submitted double-spaced typed in A4 sheets of paper, in triplicate and numbered in the upper right side. They will be also sent in 3-1/2 diskette, preferably using ASCII system, Microsoft Word or Word Perfect.

The first page will only include the following data by this order: Title of the manuscript in Spanish and English, full name of the authors (it is recommended not to exceed 5 authors); hospital and service where the work was done and full address of the first author for correspondence.

The second page will contain by this order: title of the manuscript, abstract and the beginning on the text. The abstract, in Spanish and English, will include the objectives, most outstanding results an main conclusions of the manuscript. The will be presented in such a way that they can be understood without completely reading the article. The abstracts of Original Manuscripts and Preliminary Communications will be structured as follows: objective, method, results and conclusions; they must not exceed 150-200 words. The length of abstract will be 150 words in Clinical Notes and Joint Reviews. A list of 3 to 10 key words should be at the bottom of the abstract. The use of key words based on medical subject headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus is recommended.

Text structuring: It will vary according to the section:

a) Original manuscripts: They will have a brief Introduction stating the purpose of the paper, and written in such a way that the reader may understand the following text. Materials and Methods in which material used, either human of experimental, characteristics, selection criteria and techniques will be set forth. Reference or direct data for the repetition of the mentioned experience by the reader must be facilitated. Results that will refer data obtained from the performance of the study, without any comment. These data can be explained in detail in the text, tables or figures. Discussion where authors will state heir opinions on the comparison with results achieved by other author authors in similar publications, suggestions for the future papers on the same topic, and other things.

b) Preliminary communications will have a structure similar to the original manuscripts.

c) Clinical Notes: They will include an Introduction similar to the original manuscripts. Contributed case or cases where anamnesis, clinical exploration, and supplementary studies as well as the progress of the patient and Discussion that will follow the structure of originals.

d) Joint Reviews: The text will be divided into as many sections as the author deems necessary for a full understanding of the subject.

e) Others papers: Their structure will be according to the author`s criteria or the conventional patterns.

The list of references should be typed in a separate sheet and will be cited in the order that they appear in the text, with consecutive numbers in parentheses in the text .It is not recommended to use references of meeting proceedings or textbooks. The style described below, based on the “Uniform Requirements” (Vancouver Style), should be followed.

Journal articles:

1. Standard article : Last name(s) and initials of the authors up to six authors; if there are more than six, then the first ones are mentioned and et al. is added; Title of the article, Name of the journal, Year of publication, Volume and initial and final pages.

The names of journals should be abridged according to the style used in Index Medicus (List of Journals Indexed) included in the January issue of Index  Medicus and the website of NLM library (http://www.nlm.nlh.gov).

For example: Ruiz Pérez R, Delgado López-Cózar E, Jiménez Contreras E. Anales de Medicina Interna: Normalización, difusión e indicadores bibliométricos: (I). Evaluación normativa. An Med Interna (Madrid) 1997; 14: 384-393.

2. Institutional author:

The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise stress testing. Safety and performance guidelines. Med J Aust 1996; 164: 282-4.

3. No author´s name:

Cáncer in South Africa (editorial). S Afr Med J 1994; 84: 15.

4. Volume with supplement:

Shen Hm, Zhang QF. Risk assessment of niekel carcinogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 Suppl 1: 275-82.

5. Number with supplement:

Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women’s psychological reactions to breast cancer. Semin Oncol 1996; 23 (1 Suppl 2): 89-97.

Chapter of a book:

(Note: In former versions of Vancouver style norms, there was a comma instead of “p” before the pages).

Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995, p. 465-478.

The iconography of papers should be of two typed: tables and figures. Tables should be typed in a separate sheet, numbered, and title placed in the upper side of the page. Legends should appear at the bottom. Figures may be graphs or photographs. They should be well made so that their observation allows you to understand the meaning without reading the text. Sizes will be 125 ´ 179mm. Good quality black-and white photographs should be presented, except in those papers where the use of colour photos is required. However, if the author would like to include colour illustrations, this may be possible after reaching an economic agreement with the Publisher. Both graphs and photographs should be labelled on the back, indicating figure number, author´s name and top of the figure. Direct writing in the back of the figures (photographs) should not be done.


Aditional Information

The editorial staff, taking into account the suggestions made by the Selection Committee, can refuse the papers that are not considered suitable or it may communicate the author those changes that are deemed necessary for acceptance. In case that a paper is accepted, the authors will receive proofs for correction and they should be returned to the Editorial staff within 72 hours after reception.

Twenty-five offprints will be sent to the first author once the paper is published, except for Letters to Editor. You should order in advance if you wish to receive more offprints, after an economic agreement with the Publisher.

The management and the editors of Anales de Medicina Interna  is not responsible for the concepts, opinions or statements of the authors in their papers. All manuscripts and papers become the property of ANALES DE MEDICINA INTERNA and may not be partially  or fully reproduced without the prior permission of the journal. Once the paper is published, the author transfer all copyright ownership to ARAN EDICIONES, S.L. for reproduction, distribution, public communication and translation of the manuscripts an papers.

NOTE. Send the papers for publication to Anales de Medicina Interna, ARAN EDICIONES, SA C/CASTELLÓ, 128, 1.º -28006 MADRID

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