Logo of the journal Dynamis

ISSN 0211-9536 - printed version



Scope and policy


Dynamis welcomes original, unpublished articles, essay-reviews and reviews of books in the field of the History of Medicine and Science.

The journal Dynamis does not charge fees for job submission, nor fees for publishing your articles.

Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered for publication. Dynamis is committed to: immediately acknowledging receipt of original papers, sending them for review by specialists in the field, informing authors of the results of the peer review within a maximum of 6 months and of the proposed publication date of accepted papers. Once published, authors will receive the article in PDF format. For their part, authors are committed to correcting proofs within the time period indicated by the Editorial Board.



Type of contributions

Original article

Original papers should be submitted electronically through the platform RECyT (Spanish Repository for Science and Technology), Dynamis section. RECyT is based on the open source solution Open Journal Systems (OJS): http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/Dynamis. Authors using the platform for the first time, must register at: http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/Dynamis/user/register.

The first page of the manuscript (title page) should contain the name and affiliation of all authors and the name and address of the corresponding author. It is recommended not to exceed 8,500 words or 56,000 characters (with spaces), including notes. Papers should include an Abstract of around 300 words and five key words, written in the paper's original language and English.


Dynamis will consider for publication reviews and essay reviews of studies on the History of Medicine and Science. Manuscripts should be sent, preferably by e-mail, to Enrique Perdiguero Gil , Review Editor. The file should be attached in a PC-compatible format (preferably RTF). The heading of the review should include the publication data for the book, the ISBN number and the price, in the format of the Style Guidelines of DYNAMIS. The recommended length of reviews is between 350 and 2,500 words. The sending of reviews does not automatically guarantee their publication.

Essay Reviews

Essay reviews are critical reviews within the scope of the journal which include an update of the subject addressed by the reviewed texts. Thus they can contribute to general historiographic debates and offer further recent references. The length of the essay should stay between 2,500 and 5,000 words. References should be made following our Style Guidelines. It is recommended that the authors propose a title for their essays.


Dynamis devotes part of each volume to single issues of historiographic relevance and current interest. Proposals should be sent to the journal, indicating the topic and the papers/studies that would comprise the dossier, accompanied by a short statement in support of the proposal and a brief curriculum of its guest editor. Dossiers should preferably contain a minimum of 4 original articles and a maximum of 7 (following the above guidelines for articles), preceded by a presentation of the dossier.


Citation System

References will appear in footnotes following ANSI/NISO Z39.29-2005 guidelines. We show further below some typical examples adapted to Dynamis : http://www.niso.org/standards/z39-29-2005

The first citation of a document will include the full reference according to the above guidelines (to ensure gender visibility, the full first name(s) of authors should be given). Subsequent citations of the same reference only include the surname(s) of authors, the footnote number of the first citation and the first and last page(s) of the citation (e.g., Porter, n. 3, p. 639-650). If an author is cited more than once in the same footnote, the year of publication is also included.

Consequently, the conventions Op. cit., Ibidem or Cfr. should not be used.
For documents with multiple authors, up to three names are given. If there are more than three authors, the names of the first three ones or only the first one are written, followed by et al.

Notes are numbered following the order of their appearance in the text, and are presented as footnotes (if the MS WORD options are used) or in a clearly identified final section.

References to specific passages in a paper should give the page(s) on which it appears in parentheses at the end of the reference.

Upper case letters are not systematically used for the titles of books, chapters or articles.

Adaptation of NISO Z39.29-2005

Journal articles
Rodríguez-Ocaña, Esteban. Social history of medicine in Spain. Points of departure and directions for research. Social History of Medicine. 2000; 13 (3): 495-513.
Fernández Doctor, Asunción; Arcarazo García, Luis A. Asistencia rural en los siglos XVII y XVIII: Los tipos de «conducción» de los profesionales sanitarios en Aragón. Dynamis. 2002; 22: 189-208.

Journal articles/papers consulted in internet
Fernández Doctor, Asunción; Arcarazo García, Luis A. Asistencia rural en los siglos XVII y XVIII: Los tipos de «conducción» de los profesionales sanitarios en Aragón. Dynamis [on the  Internet]. 2002 [cited 3 Mar 2007]; 22: 189-208.
Available from: http://www.ugr.es/~dynamis/completo22/mono22.htm.

Electronic journal articles
Briggs, Laura. The race of hysteria: «Overcivilization» and the «savage». Woman in late nineteenth-century obstetrics and gynecology. American Quarterly[serial on the internet]. 2000 [cited 2 Jun 2007]; 52 (2): 246-273.
Available from: http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_quarterly/v052/52.2briggs.html.

Press articles
Programas sanitarios de los partidos políticos. Tribuna Médica. 15 Oct 1982; (961): 35-45.
Problemas sanitarios hasta que no se cumplan los puntos reivindicados. Diario de Murcia. 13 Nov 1981: 18.

Unpublished documents
La sexualidad en la historia [unpublished report] Instituto Mexicano de Sexología; 1995. Izquierdo-Martín, A. Javier. Cuando la casualidad se vuelve salvaje. Las «coincidencias accidentales» como lugar común en la controversia sobre el origen del Síndrome Tóxico [unpublished essay]. Madrid; junio 2002.

Manuscripts/Archival Collections
General rule: Surnames, name of author of document (when applicable). Title and precise description of the document, date (when applicable). Archive name, city (when applicable); storage location, catalogue number (avoiding data that are not necessary to correctly locate the document).
Some abbreviations: ms. (manuscript); f. (folio/s); p. (page/s); doc. (document), no.: number. References to file, section or page are not abbreviated.

- Govern de l'Hospital. 1401-1929. 30 legajos. Administració de l'Establiment, Arxiu de l'Hospital de Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona; sección 1/15.
- Dall'Aquila, Sebastiano. Questio de putrescente sanguine. Localizado en: Biblioteca Nazionale, Turín, Italia; ms. G.II.3, f. 69r-90r.
- Borgia, César. Carta a: Ercole d'Este. 10 Oct 1501. 1 hoja. Localizada en: Archivio Segretto Estense, Archivio di Stato di Modena; Medici e Medicina, caja 19, doc. 58.
- Angulo, Juan de. Súplica a: Duque de Pastrana. 4 Oct 1692. 1 hoja. Localizada en: Archivo General de Palacio, Madrid; legajo 689, doc. 34.
- Solicitud del doctor Juan Bautista Arechederreta para establecer un seminario de medicina en México. 17 Jul 1804. Archivo del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid; cuarta división, no. 22, Fondo «Real Expedición Botánica a Nueva España. Sessé y Mociño» (1787-1819).
- President of the Mandates Commission to the Secretary General, 17 September, 1923. League of Nations Archives, R61/31174/22290

Porter, Roy. The greatest benefit to mankind. A medical history from antiquity to the present. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 1997, p. 634-645.
Weindling, Paul, ed. International health organizations and movements, 1918-1939. Cambridge: CUP; 1995.

Parts or chapters of books
Viner, Russell; Goleen, Janet. Children's experiences of illness. In: Cooter, Roger; Pickstone, John, eds. Medicine in the twentieth century. Amsterdam: Hartwood Academic Publishers; 2000, p. 575-587.
Bernabeu Mestre, Josep; Perdiguero-Gil, Enrique. At the service of Spain and Spanish children: Mother-and-child healthcare in Spain during the first two decades of Franco's Regime (1939-1963). In: Lawy, Ilana; Kriege, John, eds. Images of disease. Science, public policy and health in post-war Europe. Luxembourg: European Communities; 2001, p. 167-186.
Nash, Mary. Maternidad, maternología y reforma eugénica en España. In: Duby, Georges; Perrot, Michelle, dirs. Historia de las mujeres en Occidente. Vol. V, El siglo XX. Madrid: Taurus; 1993, p. 627-646.

Monographs on the internet
Rothstein, William G. American Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine: A History [monograph on the internet]. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press, Incorporated; 1987 [cited 10 Apr 2009].
Available from: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/univgranada/docDetail.action?docID=10142042

Web pages
General rule: Surnames, name of web author (if indicated). Title of page [update date; date of consultation for citation]. Available from: URL. Inclusion of the update date is optional. Example: Fresquet, José L. Historiadelamedicina.org. [updated 13 Jul 2007; cited 19 Jul 2007]. Available from http://www.historiadelamedicina.org/

Part of a web page
Fresquet, José L. Historiadelamedicina.org. Epónimos y biografías médicas; [updated 26 May 2007; cited  19 Jul 2007].
Available from:  http://www.historiadelamedicina.org/epolista.html

Motion pictures
Atoms for Peace [motion picture]. Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc.; Paramount News; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, producers. c. 1953. 17.06 min, sound, black and white.
Short film available from http://www.archive.org/details/atoms_for_peace [cited 20 Sep 2006].

Doctoral Theses
Sánchez, Dolores. El discurso médico de finales del siglo XIX en España y la construcción del género. Análisis de la construcción discursiva de la categoría la-mujer [doctoral thesis]. Universidad de Granada; 2003.



Publication Style Guidelines


Manuscript presentation

Papers must conform to our publication style guidelines in order to facilitate the editing of the texts received by the Journal. The manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the platform RECyT (Spanish Repository for Science and Technology), Dynamis section. RECyT is based on the open source solution Open Journal Systems (OJS): http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/Dynamis. Authors using the platform for the first time, must register at: http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/Dynamis/user/registerJournal

The title of the headings of the different sections should be in lower case and bold and the subheadings in lower case and italics. They should be correctly numbered, following the sequence: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc. It is recommended not to exceed 8,500 words or 56,000 characters (with spaces), including notes. Papers should include an Abstract of around 300 words and five key words, written in the original language of the paper and in English. Authors should provide their ORCID code.

Dynamis only publishes original articles that have not been published or accepted by another publication and are not under review elsewhere.

Originals should have a maximum length of 8,500 words or 56,000 characters (with spaces), including notes. The first page (title page) should give the title, authors, affiliation of each author and e-mail address of the contact person. The article title should not exceed 120 characters (with spaces). The manuscript should include: summary (with numbered sections), abstract (around 300 words), and five key words with their respective translations into English.

The origin or funding of the research should be declared in an unnumbered footnote indicated with an asterisk in the title of the Introduction section.
Acknowledgements should be made in a separate section at the end of the article.

As a general rule, the texts submitted to Dynamis should be linguistically correct and concisely written using non-discriminatory language. The typographic and style criteria below should be followed to facilitate the publishing process.

  1. Typography

    1. Page
      Originals should be printed on one side of A4 pages (210 x 297 mm) and numbered (1, 2, 3...) in the upper right corner
    1. Margins
      The top margin should be 4 cm and bottom and side margins 3 cm.
    1. Typeface and font
      As a general criterion, only one typeface and one font size should be used, e.g., 12-point Times New Roman.
      Boldface and underlining should not be used in the main body of the text. The use of italics is permitted for words in a language different from that of the text, for special emphasis, or for book and journal titles cited in the text. If other typographic fonts are needed for mathematical signs or texts in other alphabets (e.g., Greek), their position should be indicated on one of the printed originals to avoid omissions in subsequent conversions.
    1. Paragraph
      As a general rule, the first line of the paragraph should be indented, serving to indicate a new paragraph. Therefore, it is not necessary to leave blank lines between paragraphs. The first line of each subtitled section (including the first line of the text) should not be indented.
      The remaining lines should be justified (aligned to left and right margins) and separated with an interlinear space of 1.5.
    1. Titles and subtitles
      Numbering and boldface and italic are used to clarify the text structure (subdivisions and hierarchies), as shown in the example below. Titles and subtitles do not have full stops and only the first letter is in uppercase (except for proper names). Underlining and small capitals should also be avoided.

      Article title
      1. Section title
      Subsection title
      1.1.1. Título de subdivisión primera
    1. Direct quotes
      Direct quotes longer than two lines should be written in a separate indented paragraph. Shorter quotes should be included in the paragraph using inverted commas (see below).
      If the selected text corresponds to a fragment of a phrase, the initial letter should be kept in lowercase; if it is a complete phrase, it should start with a capital letter and double indentation.
      References to specific passages in a paper should give the page(s) on which it appears in parentheses at the end of the reference.
    1. Footnotes
      Notes should serve to clarify aspects of the text, demonstrate what is stated or present the sources; they should not constitute a parallel discourse to the text or provide an exhaustive bibliographic account.
      Notes should be numbered according to the sequence of their appearance. The number that identifies them should be in superscript format within the text body after the closing of any inverted commas and before any comma, semicolon or full stop that ends the phrase.
      If MS WORD is used, its options for notes (footnotes or endnotes) can be used. If another programme is used, notes should appear after the text in a final section that is clearly identified or submitted in a separate file.
      In the journal they will be printed as footnotes.
    1. Bibliographic references and citation systems
      References should appear in footnotes, following ANSI/NISO Z39.29-2005 standard for bibliographic references. Some typical examples adapted to Dynamis style are shown below. The guidelines can be read in full at http://www.niso.org/kst/reports/standards/
      The first citation of a document includes the full reference. The full first name of authors should be given in order to ensure gender visibility. Subsequent citations of the same reference only include the surname(s) of authors, the footnote number of the first citation and the first and last page(s) of the citation (e.g.,: Porter, n. 3, p. 639-650). If an author is cited more than once in the same footnote, the year of publication is also included.
      Consequently, the conventions Op. cit., Ibidem or Cfr. should not be used.
      For documents with multiple authors, up to three names are given. If there are more than three authors, the names of the first three ones or only the first one are written, followed by et al.
    1. Acknowledgements
      As indicated above, acknowledgements to institutions and citations of projects or grants should be included in footnotes, before note 1, indicated by an asterisk [e.g., at the end of the title of the Introduction (*)] and not as note 1. Other types of acknowledgements and intellectual debts should be included as an unnumbered subsection at the end of the paper with the heading Acknowledgements.
    1. Tables, graphs, maps and figures
      They should be numbered according to their order of appearance and identified in the text.
      The title is centred and in boldface above tables. An accompanying legend at the foot of the table should specify the source of data. In general, vertical lines should not be used in tables.
      Graphs, maps and figures should be in JPG or TIFF format with a quality of at least 300 megapixels. Numbering, legends and sources are placed below them. Graphs and charts are published in black and white. Maps and figures should be submitted in a separate file.

  1. Orthography

    1. Generic orthographic signs
      1. Quotation marks
        General indications: «French» quotation marks are used in Dynamis, using Alt 174 (on number pad) to open and Alt 175 to close (they do not appear on the keyboard). "English" quotation marks are only used for quotations appearing in a text that is already within quotation marks, e.g. «To feed the "brothers of Jesus Christ, the needy poor", attendants provided the standard Byzantine fare of bread, wine and dried or fresh cooked vegetables dressed with olive oil».
      2. Hyphens
        Two types of hyphens are used. The small hyphen (-) found on the keyboard is used to unite two words, to indicate opposition or contrast, and for ranges of numbers or dates (1999-2001). The long hyphen (—), obtained by pressing Alt + Ctrl, is used in dialogues and can also have the function of brackets.
        2.1.3. Upper case
        Upper case letters are not systematically used for the titles of books, chapters or articles (except for "of", "in", "the", etc.).
      3. Upper case
        Upper case letters are not systematically used for the titles of books, chapters or articles (except for "of", "in", "the", etc.).
      4. Brackets (  ) and square brackets [ ]
        Brackets are used to isolate an observation distinct from the object of discourse, to interpose dates or to give the full wording of abbreviations or acronyms. Within a direct quote, brackets around an ellipsis (...) indicate the omission of a phrase.
        Square brackets are generally reserved for use by the Editor, e.g., for insertion of editorial comments or text not in the original. Within a direct quote, square brackets are used to indicate the absence of a complete paragraph[...].

    2. Orthographic punctuation marks
      1. Comma (,), stop (.), semicolon (;) and colon (:)
        These marks are always followed by a blank space. See above for their relationship with superscript footnote numbers..
      2. Exclamation and question marks (! ?) and ellipses (...)
        When a phrase ends in an exclamation or question mark or an ellipsis, a full stop should not be added. Within a direct quote, the replacement of a whole paragraph with an ellipsis is marked with square brackets [...] and the replacement of a phrase with normal brackets (-). These should not be placed at the beginning or end of a direct quote.
      3. Stroke (slash) (/)
        No space should be left between the stroke and adjoining characters except when used to mark a line change in verses.

  1. Abbreviations and symbols

    If the use of abbreviations are essential in the body of the text (the word in full is always preferable), they should be explained in the text or in the footnotes on their first appearance. Common abbreviations should always be followed by a full stop, but those that correspond to  scientific or technical symbols should not be followed by full stop or used in plural form (e.g., N, He, km and $, for North, helium, kilometres and dollars, respectively).

    Some common abbreviations in our setting are:

    editor/s:  ed./eds.
    compiler/s: comp./comps.
    director/s: dir./dirs.
    page/s: p.
    folio/s: f.
    document/s: doc.

  1. Acronyms and initials

    Acronyms do not contain full stops or spaces and are written in uppercase (UN, OAS). Some acronyms that have become common names are written in lowercase (e.g., laser).
    Acronyms are treated as proper names.
    Initials have a full stop after each letter.
    Except for widely accepted and well-known acronyms, these should be written in full in the text or footnotes on their first appearance.

  1. Numbers and dates

    In the body of the text, single-digit numbers are written as words, using numbers from two digits onwards. Nonetheless, round numbers can be written in words (ten thousand pesetas) or in mixed form (10 thousand pesetas) to avoid groups of zeros (10,000 pesetas). If an amount is given as an approximation, it should be written in words (e.g., around fifteen years).
    Dates are written according to the corresponding norm in the language used (e.g., UK English: 11 July 1988). Years are written in numbers (1980), and decades in words, e.g., "the eighties" or "the decade of the eighties".

Guidelines for REVIEWS and ESSAY-REVIEWS

Reviews should avoid the use of quotes and footnotes. They begin with the reference to the book under review as a heading, e.g.,
Varios Autores, eds. La experiencia de enfermar en perspectiva histórica. Actas XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina. Granada: Universidad de Granada; 2008. ISBN 978-84-338-4858-1.

In the case of essay-reviews, a title is required for the text, and footnotes and quotes can be used.

They should conform to the remaining publication guidelines on manuscript presentation, typography and style.



Submit originals and books for review


Submit originals

From January 2011, all new manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the platform RECyT (Spanish Repository for Science and Technology), Dynamis section. RECyT is based on the open source solution Open Journal Systems (OJS): http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/Dynamis.

Authors using the platform for the first time, must register at: http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/Dynamis/user/register.

Submit books for review

Departament of History of Science
Faculty de Medicine
University of Granada
Avda. de Madrid, 11
18012 Granada (Spain)



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© 2016 Universidad de Granada

Department of History of Science.
Faculty of Medicine.
Avda. de Madrid, 11
18012 Granada (Spain)
Tel.: (+34) 958 242 943
