logo of The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context

ISSN 1889-1861 - printed version
    ISSN 1989-4007 - online version



Scope and policy

The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context publishes empirical articles, theoretical studies and focused reviews of topics dealing with psychology and law (e.g., legal decision making, eyewitness). Only original papers (not published or submitted elsewhere) will be published. Papers driven to both legal systems, inquisitorial and adversarial, will be welcome as well as papers based in concrete laws of a European country. Neither the Editors nor Publishers accept responsibility for the views or statements expressed by the authors.


Submit an article online

To submit an article to the journal, please visit the website http://ejpalc.elsevier.es/en/autores/


Form and preparation of manuscripts

A guide with instructions for authors is available in pdf format.


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© 2014 Spanish Society of Forensic Psychology - Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid

University of Santiago de Compostela
Faculty of Psychology
Universitary Campus, s/n
15782 - Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
