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GONZALEZ DE LA TORRE, Héctor et al. Diabetic foot Classifications II. The problem remains. Gerokomos [online]. 2018, vol.29, n.4, pp.197-209. ISSN 1134-928X.


Various classification systems have been published for diabetic foot ulcers, although none of the proposed systems has been accepted by the scientific community as the system to be used by all, and this is due to multiple reasons.


To give visibility to the new systems of diabetic foot classification that have emerged in recent years, as well as to compare them with the systems already known previously.


Bibliographic search in the SCOPUS, Pubmed/Medline, WOS, CINHAL, Cochrane and CUIDEN databases. The search equation used was the boolean combination of the MeSH terms “diabetic foot AND classification”. The search was conducted between 1 February 2018 and 30 March 2018.


There are 25 classification systems for diabetic foot ulcers, which can be divided into classification-severity systems or healing-amputation prediction systems. Very few systems have been properly validated.


The choice of the diabetic foot system to be used will be conditioned by aspects such as the assistencial scene, the available resources or the objectives pursued. In recent years, the use of systems with a predictive approach has been preferred over systems with a descriptive approach.

Keywords : Diabetic foot; classification; severity; wound healing.

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