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Enfermería Global

On-line version ISSN 1695-6141


PEREZ-FERNANDEZ, Lucia; ESCANDELL-RICO, Francisco Miguel  and  MACIA-SOLER, Loreto. Perception of health in patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.69, pp.84-104.  Epub Mar 20, 2023. ISSN 1695-6141.


To analyze the perception of health in primary care patients of the health department 21 during the COVID-19 epidemic period.

Material and Methods:

Cross-sectional observational study. Held in the Department of Health 21 (Alicante-Spain) from February 23, 2021, to May 15, 2021. A total of 243 users participated. A semi- structured interview was used, taking as a reference the information from the Valencian Community Health Survey Adapted. The variable result of the perception of health in patients was considered. The inclusion criteria considered 18-year-olds who were served during the COVID-19 pandemic and who wanted to participate in the study.


The ages were comprised between 20 and 94, years with an average of 64.55 years (SD 19.97). In the perception of health, we highlight the group of women who reported having a worse health (69%) during the last 12 months and major problems to walk (59.2%). Our results indicate a significant association in the social resources used for the activities of daily life (p<0.001) and teleassistance (p<0.043).


On a practical level, if we have an account of life expectancy in the population, associated comorbidities and health care in the pandemic period, we can decide that the perception of health is worse in women. Despite all these factors, satisfaction with health services during the pandemic is satisfactory.

Keywords : primary care; perception; COVID-19; health determinants; health resources.

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