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vol.28 número2Expresión de CDX2 en lesiones de vejiga urinaria y uretraTratamiento de la inestabilidad vesical (vejiga hiperactiva no neurógena) en niños, con tolterodina índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Actas Urológicas Españolas

versión impresa ISSN 0210-4806


VEGA VEGA, A. et al. Cellular acute rejection pig to human in an ex vivo renal transplant model. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2004, vol.28, n.2, pp.106-121. ISSN 0210-4806.

OBJECTIVE: Ex vivo perfusion model of pig-to-human kidney xenotransplantation to evaluate human antiporcine xenograft rejection once hyperacute rejection (HAR) is avoided. METHODS: Pig kidneys were perfused for 3 hours with pig blood (group 1; n=5), human blood (group 2; n=5), complement heat innactivated human blood (group 3; n=5), platelet-depleted human blood (group 4; n=5); and xenoreactive natural antibodies (XNA)-depleted human blood (group 5; n=5). Tissue samples were studied with immunoperoxidase techniques. RESULTS: Pig kidneys perfused with human blood, group 2, showed HAR with interstitial haemorrhage, vascular thrombi and glomerular injury. Pig kidneys perfused with manipulated human blood (groups 3 to 5) had no histologic evidence of HAR, but showed signs of acute cellular rejection with different degrees of interstitial infiltrate of mononuclear cells, specially in the XNA-depleted group. CONCLUSIONS: The model may be valuable in the isolated evaluation of the elements involved in the pig-tohuman xenorejection. The depletion of complement, platelets and XNA protected porcine kidneys form HAR in our study and allowed the development of an acute cellular rejection, a very unusual fact in this short time, 3 hours.

Palabras clave : Xenotransplant; Hyperacute rejection; Acute cellular rejection.

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