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vol.33 número3Estudio morfológico en tres planos del meato inferior en las fisuras unilaterales operadasHistiocitosis de células de Langerhans localizada en hueso malar: Presentación de un caso índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial

versión On-line ISSN 2173-9161versión impresa ISSN 1130-0558


HERRERO, María et al. Sinus augmentation with a lateral window technique and use of a biomaterial filling. Rev Esp Cirug Oral y Maxilofac [online]. 2011, vol.33, n.3, pp.109-113. ISSN 2173-9161.

Background: Since the studies of Boyne and James research and then Tatum, maxillary sinus floor augmentation and grafting has become a standard procedure for dental implants in cases where the bone height in posterior maxilla it was insufficient. Although autogenous graft is considered the gold standard, there is currently a large amount of biomaterials which avoid the problems of autogenous bone grafts. One of the most used biomaterials is deproteinised bovine bone mineral matrix in granules (Bio-Oss®). Objective: The purpose of this study is to report our experience after 382 sinus augmentations with a lateral window approach and Bio-Oss® graft. Material and Methods: The clinical records from 382 patients having posterior maxillary atrophy treated with lateral approach sinus floor augmentation, Bio-Oss® material graft and simultaneous or delayed dental implants. The technique used and short- term postoperative results were reviewed. Results: A total of 382 patients were treated (of which 340 were done in a single phase and 42 in two phases) during the period from October 2004 to January 2010. A total of 726 implants were made, of which 27 (3.7%) failed. Conclusions: Our study shows that maxillary sinus augmentation with Bio-Oss® and lateral window approach seems to be a reliable technique with predictable long-term results.

Palabras clave : Lateral Window; Bio-Oss®; Sinus floor augmentation; Maxillary atrophy.

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