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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

versión impresa ISSN 1134-8046


CID, J. et al. Chronic thoracal pain. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2005, vol.12, n.7, pp.436-454. ISSN 1134-8046.

Thoracic pain is one of the main causes of consultation in primary health care. First of all, ischemic heart disease must be ruled out as the specifictreatment thet they require. Thoracic pain also causes concern and anxiety to patients due to the information available to them, so thet suspicion of angina pectoris or heart attack can worsen their symptomatology and determine the couse of the disease. Thoracic pain can have a visceral, central or parietal origin, be referred to structures outsid the thorax or even have a psychological orgin. In addition, sympathetic innervation plays an essebtial role in this type of pain. The diagnosis is based on a correct history and an apropriate physical examination including imagin and other tests. A significant proportion of these conditions result from musculoskeletal pain due to the complex anatomical structure of the thoracic cavity. Thoracic pain can also have a neuropathic component, since the thorax is the origin of a great number of post-herpectic neuralgias. Finally, pain can have a visceral, lung, esophageal or cadiac orgin. The tratment includes several therapeutic ptions, such as pharmacology, revascularization or neuromodulaation.

Palabras clave : Thoracic pain; Heart attack; Ischemia; Neuromodulation; Post-herpetic neuralgia.

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