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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

versión impresa ISSN 1134-8046


AGUILERA-EGUIA, R.; ROJAS-SEPULVEDA, C.; AGUAYO-ALCAYAGA, G.  y  SANCHEZ-LEON, D.. Evidence levels and grades of recommendation in physical therapy: A comparison among five classification systems: pilot study. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2015, vol.22, n.5, pp.205-211. ISSN 1134-8046.

Objective: To evaluate which of the five classification systems is simpler to understand a Physical therapy evidence levels and grades of recommendation Design: Randomized controlled trial, pilot study. Participants: Physical therapy dedicated to musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Intervention: Case report describing a female patient diagnosed with mild osteoarthritis of the right knee, a specific Medline search was performed to answer the following question: Can therapeutic ultrasound reduce pain and improve physical function? A systematic review that answers the question was not found. The same evidence was presented differently according to the following categories of evidence: NICE, SIGN, GRADE, EMBC and CTPHC. Results: 8 therapists agreed to participate. A GRADE 87.5 % considered the simplest classification compared to 12.5 % (other systems), with a RR = 7.0 (1.090, 95% CI 44.6) and Risk Difference DR = 75 % (42.59, 95% CI 107.4). To see the association showing the relationship between the exposed and unexposed GRADE classification system was used Chi2 statistical Mantel-Haenszel, with a value p = 8.438. Conclusion: Apparently GRADE is the most simple for therapists to understand how scientific evidence.

Palabras clave : Systematic review; Clinical trial; Randomized controlled trial; Therapy; Ultrasonic; Osteoarthritis of knee.

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