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Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra

versión impresa ISSN 1137-6627


GORLAT-SANCHEZ, B. et al. Influence of environment, rural or urban, in the perception of the supports and needs of caregivers in hospitals. Anales Sis San Navarra [online]. 2013, vol.36, n.3, pp.441-454. ISSN 1137-6627.

Background: After the Functional Plan was implemented with support measures for caregivers in hospitals of Granada (Spain), the effectiveness and impact of environment on the perception and needs of caregivers was analysed. Materials and methods: A qualitative, phenomenological study was made through semi-structured interviews. A total of 45 caregivers included in the Functional Plan participated. In addition, perceived social support, family functioning, and the anxiety level was measured, respectively, through the Duke-UNC, Apgar Family, and Goldberg Scale questionnaires. The data were qualitatively analysed by open, axial, and selective coding, and the questionnaires by descriptive statistics. Results: The caregivers of the urban setting valued more the support that made their life easier in the hospital and the social support at home, while caregivers in rural settings valued the hospital support oriented towards education in care for life after returning home, all linked to the personalization of care. The personal disturbances due to care occurred in all the settings, although differences appeared in psychic repercussions and in the type of drugs and their consumption. There were differences in terms of support needed and the difficulties encountered. Conclusions: The setting where caregivers live determine their perceptions of the care and some of their needs in the hospital. The measures questioned in the Functional Plan should be reviewed and some priorities should be redefined, including additional measures, depending on the family situation of the caregivers.

Palabras clave : Dependency; Hospitalization; Caregivers; Rural; Urban.

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