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Journal of Negative and No Positive Results

versión On-line ISSN 2529-850X


MACHO-GONZALEZ, Adrián  y  SANCHEZ-MUNIZ, Francisco J. Autophagy, a key cellular cleansing system for health. A visit to the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. JONNPR [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.1, pp.417-439.  Epub 29-Ene-2024. ISSN 2529-850X.


In 2016, the Karolinska Institute awarded Yoshinori Ohsumi the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his studies on autophagy. Subsequently, many investigations have demonstrated the role of this process in health.


Three aspects are reviewed: a) the information given by the Nobel Committee on the laureate's research; b) the molecular mechanisms involved in autophagy; and c) the relationship between autophagy and health.


The most relevant aspects of autophagy research are presented, from De Duve's research with lysosomes to some relevant molecular details. Ohsumi's biographical data and aspects of his research that led to the Nobel are discussed; also, the characteristics of the three types of autophagy: macrophagy, microphagy and chaperone-dependent. Autophagy is highly dependent on nutritional status, stress, and the expression of certain genes, particularly the so-called autophagy-related genes (ATG). Alterations in the expression or the existence of polymorphisms in ATG cause significant changes in the formation of autophagosomes. The importance in health and some very prevalent pathologies of the recycling of whole cells and their isolated components is explained, as well as the role of the interaction of some drugs in the autophagic function.


Autophagy is a very common cellular process, highly dependent on nutritional status and ATG expression and polymorphisms. It is determinant in maturation, development, and health, and participates in a relevant way in aging and in the prevention of degenerative diseases.

Palabras clave : Autophagy; Nobel Prize; macrophagia; microphagia; chaperones; health; diseases.

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