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Actas Urológicas Españolas

versão impressa ISSN 0210-4806


ESPUNA PONS, M.; PUIG CLOTA, M.; PEREZ GONZALEZ, A.  e  REBOLLO ALVAREZ, P.. Nocturia in female with symptoms of urinary incontinence: analysis of associated clinical and urodynamic variables. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2005, vol.29, n.4, pp.378-386. ISSN 0210-4806.

Background: There is little information about urodynamic characteristics of females with symptoms of urinary incontinence (UI) and nocturia. Method: Descriptive study of 1731 females consecutively referred with symptoms of UI for study and treatment. Urogynaecological history, physical examination and urodynamic study were carried out. Patients with pelvic organ prolapse greater than second degree were excluded. Frequency of nocturia symptom and its relationship with urodynamic, personal and clinical variables were analysed. Results: 743 patients (43%) of those included presented nocturia. Urodynamic diagnoses in patients with nocturia were: stress UI in 262 patients (35.4%); detrusor overactivity in 166 (22.3%); and both in 220 (29.6%). The rest (12.7%) had other diagnoses. Mean (S.D) bladder capacity of patients with nocturia was less than that of the rest of patients: 459.8(159.8) vs 530.6(216.9) ml (p<0.001). Of all the variables associated with nocturia, those which showed independent association were (ExpB; 95%CI): age >65 years (1.88; 1.34-2.63); menopause (2.11; 1.56-2.86); hypertension (1.42; 1.04-1.94) and bladder cistometric capacity less than 300 (1.71; 1.01-2.91) and between 300 and 400 (1.67; 1.17-2.38). The urodynamic diagnosis of Stress UI was associated with the absence of nocturia. Conclusion: Nocturia is a frequent symptom among females complaining of urinary incontinence. Its presence is associated to age over 65 years, menopause, hypertension and reduced bladder capacity.

Palavras-chave : Nocturia; Urinary incontinence; Female. Urodynamic test.

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