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Anales de Medicina Interna

versão impressa ISSN 0212-7199


LEDRO CANO, D. et al. Descriptive study of outpatients with alcohol liver disease in our population. An. Med. Interna (Madrid) [online]. 2001, vol.18, n.11, pp.19-22. ISSN 0212-7199.

Aims: We tried to show the demographic characteristic and alcohol intake habits among our outpatients. We study the influence of age, sex, habitat and socioeconomical status on alcoholic habit.  Design: Retrospective and institution based study. Patients. 164 patients who were followed up for alcohol liver disease in our outpatient section.  Results: Average age to start drinking alcohol was 18.6 (7.36) years, years of alcoholism were 35.4 (13.5) years, average daily alcohol intake was 161.2 (116.7) grams of pure alcohol. Only 16 men (8%) drank less than 60 grams a day. 5 ( 35.7% ) women drank less than 40 grams a day. Life-cumulative alcohol intake was correlated with Maddrey's score at the end of the study (r=+0.407). Average daily alcohol intake was correlated with ultrasonographic features of the liver (r=+0.283), we apreciated that Prothrombin Time was also correlated with ultrasonographic features of the liver (r=+0.301). The percentage of patients who suffer , at least one decompensation of their disease was 39%.  Conclusions: Average age to start drinking is about legal age. Life-cumulative alcohol intake was related to Prothrombin Time and ultrasonographic features of the liver.

Palavras-chave : Alcoholism; Outpatient; Doppler ultrasound; Maddrey's score; Epidemiology; Spain.

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