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Gaceta Sanitaria

versão impressa ISSN 0213-9111


SUAREZ ALVAREZ, Óscar et al. Salutogenic interventions and health effects: a scoping review of the literature. Gac Sanit [online]. 2021, vol.35, n.5, pp.488-494.  Epub 24-Jan-2022. ISSN 0213-9111.


To explore the typology of implemented salutogenic interventions and the health effects described by the authors.


A scoping review of the literature published (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and Scopus) over the last ten years (2007-2016) was conducted. Articles that included interventions with assessments of health outcomes were selected for this review. The kappa index (86.4%) was calculated for the classification and extraction of information.


61 papers were selected out of the 676 works identified. These were categorized into individual, grouped, mixed and intersectoral interventions. A total of 85% of the interventions described positive effects. Adverse effects were not reported. Methodological limitations were identified in 75% of the papers. The interventions addressed a large variety of topics, especially in the field of mental health and chronic diseases. Collective actions described more positive effects. Intersectoral actions were the only type of interventions to have approached the impact of mortality reduction.


Findings support the existence of positive health effects of salutogenic approaches. Important methodological limitations were identified, such as biases in the selection of participants and sample sizes. Studies need to be conducted with improved monitoring and evaluation designs. A more robust theoretical framework and tools to evaluate the salutogenic contents are needed.

Palavras-chave : Salutogenesis; Public health; Systematic review; Health assets; Health outcomes.

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