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versão impressa ISSN 1130-1473


VILLAREJO, F.J. et al. Brain-stem tumors in children. Neurocirugía [online]. 2008, vol.19, n.6, pp.551-555. ISSN 1130-1473.

We report a large series of brain-stem tumors seen during 18 years of at our hospital. We diagnosed and treated a total of 42 patients between 1988 and 2006; 36 of them were operated with partial resection in most cases. Brain-stem tumors constitute a rare condition with very bad prognosis. A surgical complete resection of the mass is not possible in most cases, so the principal surgical objetive is reduction and descompression. The best prognosis is seen in patients with low grade tumors with minimal neurologic deficit. Most of these tumors cause death in a short period, usually one year or less.

Palavras-chave : Brain-stem tumors; Classification of brainstem neoplasms; Pediatric tumors; Hydrocephalus; MRI.

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