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Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica

versão impressa ISSN 1139-1375


CIRERA SEGURA, Francisco  e  REINA NEYRA, Macarena. Evaluation of the information on kidney transplants received by patients in peripheral haemodialysis units. Rev Soc Esp Enferm Nefrol [online]. 2005, vol.8, n.1, pp.64-73. ISSN 1139-1375.

Health education in kidney patients is a priority for nephrology nursing, as the right information and psychological preparation is essential for the patient and their family to be able to adapt to the life changes that dialysis and transplant involve. Our objective is to determine the knowledge of nursing personnel on transplants in the peripheral units and to evaluate in what way the information is given to patients. This is a descriptive study performed in 9 peripheral haemodialysis centres in the province of Seville. To carry it out, surveys were drawn up for the nursing staff with a total 21 questions formed by 113 items, where aspects were evaluated such as the form of giving the patient information and knowledge in three sections: the waiting list, the transplant process and later self-care. Sixty-two percent of the population answered the survey. Among the results, we must highlight that under 50% of patients ask for information on the transplant. Thirty-seven percent of those surveyed said that they had an information protocol and stressed the quality of the information on the transplant stage and later self-care. We conclude that the large part of nursing personnel in the peripheral units have broad information on kidney transplants, although in some aspects this information should be completed or updated.

Palavras-chave : kidney transplant; health education; self-care.

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