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vol.17Patrimonio material e inmaterial de los cuidados tras la Guerra de Sucesión en el antiguo Hospital de Santa María de LleidaLas repercusiones sanitarias y económicas de la gripe española en Vejer de la Frontera (1918-1924) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1699-6011


NAVARRO-PERAN, Mª Ángeles; DE MAYA-SANCHEZ, Baldomero  e  HERNANDEZ-GARRE, José Manuel. Historical analysis from the perspective of gender anthropology of the training programs of Technical Sanitary Assistant during the Spanish Francoist government (1939-1975). Temperamentvm [online]. 2021, vol.17, e13288.  Epub 27-Jan-2023. ISSN 1699-6011.

The article supposes a historiographic analysis from the gender perspective of the official training programs of the Health Technical Assistants (ATS) during the Spanish Franco period. After an analysis of primary, normative and referential sources, it is verified that the patriarchal pedagogical orientation of the nurse training during This period established a clear differentiation in the structure of didactic content between men and women. In this line, female ATS were within a normative framework of subordination to the male biomedical hegemonic model, a reality that is verified through inequalities such as the fact that female ATS received home lessons while notions of medical-legal autopsy, because their studies had to be done in an internship regime, unlike the male ATS that were carried out in an open regime, and because their collaboration as instructors in training will always take place subject to doctors (men).

Palavras-chave : History of women; History of care; Gender studies; Contemporary history; Francoism.

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