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vol.17 número4Doctor Finlay. Agradeciendo a Archibald Joseph Cronin índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Medicina y Cine

versão On-line ISSN 1885-5210


DE ARRIBA IGLESIAS, Sara  e  HIDALGO BALSERA, Agustín. Similarities and differences between a Journal of the plague year and COVID-19. Rev Med Cine [online]. 2021, vol.17, n.4, pp.315-335.  Epub 30-Maio-2022. ISSN 1885-5210.

Literature about disease -particularly about epidemics- involves numerous resources that allow us to deepen our knowledge of the noxa not only from a nosological point of view, but also from a sociological one. This paper analyzes these and other relevant aspects that can be extracted from the reading of "A Journal of the Plague Year", as opposed to the situation derived from the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic. Significant similarities have been found between both processes, especially regarding to the public measures adopted and the social response, as well as substantial differences that may be based on the scientific-technological development that has culminated in obtaining vaccines against Covid 19 in the shortest time. Although each epidemic is unique, its comparative study can provide us with a global vision that coud helps us learn and guide us when facing possible future health crises.

Palavras-chave : literary epidemics; bubonic plague; pandemic; Covid 19.

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