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Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética

versão On-line ISSN 2174-5145versão impressa ISSN 2173-1292


BRUNO-FISCAL, Carlos; RESTREPO-BETANCUR, Luis Fernando  e  MENDOZA-GUERRERO, Juan Manuel. Supply of the main sources of energy, protein and fat in Mexico, 1961 - 2010. Rev Esp Nutr Hum Diet [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.4, pp.273-280. ISSN 2174-5145.

Introduction: The knowledge about the consumption of food main groups and their supply of energy, protein and fat is of crucial importance for government and private agencies with the purpose to diagnose the potential nourishment of any region. Material and Methods: A multivariate analysis of the variance MANOVA was used with a canonic contrast of orthogonal type, main component's analysis and an exploratory descriptive analysis of unidimensional type and Biplot analysis, which a database from FAO related with energy input, protein and fat by person each day of the 1961 to 2010 in México. These data represent only the average supply available for the total population and they are not necessarily indicative of current consumption. Results: The major growth in supplies available at the end of the analysis period was poultry, from 10.4g/person/day to 71.2g/person/day, contrary to corn and beans which had a decrease of 1% and 49% respectively. The increased supply of energy and milk protein was provided by 130kcal/person/day and 7.5g/person/day of protein. The greatest contribution of fat was pork, 10.8g/person/day. Conclusions: The growth in the supply of vegetables and fruits is still lower than quantities of meat. Mexicans must re-organize their diet to get a balanced one that may give them a proper nutrition.

Palavras-chave : Feeding Behavior; Diet; Mexico.

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