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The European Journal of Psychiatry
versión impresa ISSN 0213-6163
Eur. J. Psychiat. vol.26 no.3 Zaragoza jul./sep. 2012
A brief motivational intervention based on positive experience and temporary smoking abstinence: Feasibility in a psychiatric hospital
Ineke Keizer*; Aurélia Bruegger*; Marianne Gex-Fabry*; Patricia Borrero**; Jean-Paul Humair***; Patrice Croquette*; Aqal Nawaz Khan*
* University Hospitals of Geneva, Department of Mental Health and Psychiatry, Chêne-Bourg. Switzerland
** University Hospitals of Geneva, Nursing Directorate, Geneva. Switzerland
*** University Hospitals of Geneva, Department of Community Medicine and Primary Care, Geneva. Switzerland
When this article was originally published in the Eur J Psychiatr 2012; 26(2): 127-134 there was an error in the last author's name. The correct name is Aqal Nawaz Khan.
On the other hand, the last references (numbers 21, 22, 23) were dropped accidentally from the reference list:
21. MacPherson L, Tull MT, Matusiewicz AK, Rodman S, Strong DR, Kahler CW, et al. Randomized controlled trial of behavioral activation smoking cessation treatment for smokers with elevated depressive symptoms. J Consult Clin Psychol 2010; 78(1): 55-61. [ Links ]
22. Vickers KS, Patten CA, Lewis BA, Clark MM, Ussher M, Ebbert JO, et al. Feasibility of an exercise counseling intervention for depressed women smokers. Nicotine Tob Res 2009; 11(8): 985-995. [ Links ]
23. Jacobson NS, Martell CR, Dimidjian S. Behavioral activation treatment for depression: returning to context roots. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 2001; 8:255-270. [ Links ]