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Farmacia Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 2171-8695versión impresa ISSN 1130-6343

Farm Hosp. vol.44 no.2 Toledo mar./abr. 2020  Epub 28-Sep-2020 


Where we are, where we are going

Teresa Bermejo-Vicedo1  , María Queralt-Gorgas2 

1Directora de Farmacia Hospitalaria. Spain.

2Subdirectora de Farmacia Hospitalaria. Spain.

In 2019, the Editorial Committee devoted much of its time to working on the three pillars of the Farmacia Hospitalaria Journal' s strategic plan: scientific excellence, visibility and editorial management.

We updated our guidelines, increasing the word limit in the abstracts so that authors can provide more specific information about their research. All the articles and abstracts are published in both Spanish and English in order to serve a broader readership. We set the standards for writing titles, which must include keywords from the MeSH thesaurus to facilitate accurate and specific article searches. Like other prestigious academic journals, we included a specific section about how to cite the paper source in order to promote citation accuracy in any databases.

Increasing our visibility in prestigious databases is a key goal for us. In May 2019, the Farmacia Hospitalaria Journal was included in the Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), part of the Core Collection of Web of Science (WOS). This was one of the most significant milestones achieved over this period and reflects the importance, singularity and quality of the research we publish. At the end of last year, the Farmacia Hospitalaria Journal was included in Redalyc (Network of scientific journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal).

Between January and December 2019, originals and short originals accounted for 57.45% of the articles we published. Editorials and review articles accounted for 19.15% and 4.26%, respectively.

Our ambition is to publish high-quality research and share it with collea gues from other medical specialities. Last year we published seven editorials and a special article on the different fields of medicine.

A total of 52.42 % of the manuscripts received were rejected by the Editor and the reviewers after the peer-review process. This percentage is in line with that of other open-access health science journals according to Bjork Bo-Christer (1. Time between submission and publication, (in English and Spanish) was 26.96 weeks.

Our editorial platform contains a scroll-down menu where authors can select the subject matter of their manuscript from a list defined by the Journal Editorial Committee. In this way, the editor can select the most appropriate reviewers for each manuscript, which results in a high quality review pro cess.

At present, our database contains 153 reviewers, 15% of them specia lized in areas different from hospital pharmacy. The medical areas with a higher number of reviewers include adherence to treatment, medication reconclllatlon, deprescrlblng, Inappropriate prescription and monitoring (31), safety (24), clinical oncology (21), infectious diseases (21), drug evaluation (19), geriatrics (16), and risk management and medication errors (13). Re viewers play a key role in improving the quality of articles published. To recognize their work, in June 2019 SEFH signed a contract with PUBLONS2 that allows reviewers to create their researcher's resumé and calculate their citations, peer-review and publishing metrics. At the same time, users can find out what their impact is as authors, reviewers or editors. In addition, in December 2019 we organized the fourth course specify geared toward reviewers.

Once again, we would like to thank our reviewers for the invaluable contribution they make. The quality of our Journal depends to a large extent on their silent and selfless work.

Nowadays, the role of the social media as an information-dissemination tool is undeniable. For that reason, in 2019 we made a special effort to increase our visibility in such networks with very encouraging results. From January to December 2019 we published over 500 tweets on our twitter account (@farm_hosp), an 85% increase over the previous year. Likewise, the number of comments, likes and retweets increased by around 72%.

A total of 95% of our followers are Spanish-speaking, 37% English-spea king and 3% Portuguese-speaking. An analysis of their countries of origin revealed that 77% are from Spain, 4% from Argentina, 3% from Mexico and 2% from Chile. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and the USA each have 1%.

We have also started publishing some of our articles on Linkedin ( and Facebook (, with a monthly average of 20 posts on each.

In November 2019 we also started making use of visual abstracts, which are graphic summaries of the information from an article's abstract intended to help readers quickly find the content most relevant to them. By the end of the year we had published 9 such visual abstracts.

From January 2017 to the end of November 2019 our website received a total of 240,000 visits, 40% more than the previous year; 53.5% came from European servers, 33.8 % from Latin America and 12 % from other cou ntries worldwide. In Latin America, the four countries with the largest number of visitors were Mexico (9 %), Colombia (5.7%), Peru (3.9%) and Argentina (3.3%). The United States accounted for 7.6 %, followed by Canada and Japan, both with 1%.

Although these figures are promising, the visibility of the Journal Farmacia Hospitalaria needs to be further enhanced and this is a task we should all embrace. New dissemination strategies need to be incorporated using digital marketing tools to increase our readership, promote our growth and reinforce our positioning in social media and online platforms. This will help publicize the contents of our articles and increase the likelihood that we may be cited by other researchers, which would increase the H-index of our authors.

The pioneering research spirit of hospital pharmacists is clearly eviden ced by the numerous articles published by the pharmacy services of diffe rent hospitals in our country. However, authors need their work to have the largest readership possible and for it to be published and recognized by high impact factor journals including the Web of Science's Journal Cita tion Reports (JCR), which would increase their chances of being cited. The Journal Farmacia Hospitalaria has not yet been included in the JCR, which means that many of the significant investigations carried out by research groups from the SEFH are published in other journals. We need to chan ge our authors' mindset and encourage them to send us their high-quality manuscripts so that they can get cited in the top journals in our field. We are sure that this closer relationship between us will be mutually beneficial.

As we have said on previous occasions, when the Board and the Edi torial Committee were asked to manage the Journal Farmacia Hospitalaria we set our sights on a crucial goal: getting the Journal listed in the JCR. Apart from the important editorial tasks any journal has to perform, the Board and the Editorial Committee have tirelessly pursued this goal, trying to attract high-impact authors, ensuring and preserving the quality of the manuscripts we publish and getting in touch with the relevant institutions. The end justifies the means so we shall keep up our efforts until we succeed.

We think we are definitely on the right track. Being part of ESCI has been a very significant milestone on our way forward. But we must keep it up. We need the selfless support of all SEFH's members, many of whom have shown their engagement with research into our area of expertise and knowledge. We would once again like to ask you for your further support and engagement to make the Journal Farmacia Hospitalaria a cutting-edge publication that showcases the innovative research conducted in the phar macy services of our country.

We eagerly look forward to your support.


1. Björk BC. Acceptance rates of scholarly peer-reviewed journals: a literature survey. El profesional de la información. 2018;28(4):e280407. Available at: [ Links ]

2. Publons homepage (webpage). USA; Clarivate analytics company; 04/05/2012 (07/05/2019; 20/01/2020). Available at: https://publons.comLinks ]

How to cite this paper: Bermejo-Vicedo T, Queralt-Gorgas M. Where we are, where we are going. Farm Hosp. 2020;44(2):37-8.

Received: January 31, 2020; Accepted: February 07, 2020

Author of correspondence. Teresa Bermejo Vicedo Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria Calle Serrano, 40, 2.º Dcha. 28001 Madrid, Spain. Email:

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