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Pharmacy Practice (Granada)

versión On-line ISSN 1886-3655versión impresa ISSN 1885-642X

Pharmacy Pract (Granada) vol.10 no.1 Redondela ene./mar. 2012




Dietary Supplements



Pharmaceutical Press

February 2012



Dietary Supplements-new edition now available from Pharmaceutical Press

Dietary Supplements is a comprehensive monograph-based guide to the most commonly used vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements. This edition contains 103 regularly structured monographs with information on uses, action, safety (adverse effects, pregnancy, interactions), efficacy, and dosage. It also contains useful appendices including a summary of interactions with conventional medicines. The changes of this new edition are:

• Fully revised and updated with findings from the recent literature on common supplements such as: Antioxidants, calcium, fish oils, folic acid, glucosamine, isoflavones, probiotics and vitamin D.

• Includes 21 monographs new to this edition on: pumpkin seed, hydroxycitrate, 5 HTP, Dong quai, Arginine, Collagen hydrolysate, Wheat germ oil, Hyaluronic acid, Cetyl fatty acids, Red yeast rice, Lactase, Androstenedione, Cinnamon, Glutathione, Beta-alanine and Olive leaf extract

• Research studies tabulated for some of the larger monographs ensuring readable format.

Dietary Supplements provides a concise overview of a large range of supplements, while in addition providing a more in-depth evaluation of those at the forefront of the field.

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