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vol.51 número2Estudio de la influencia de la hemólisis en un perfil básico de coagulación índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Diagnóstico Biológico

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7973


AGUSTINO, AM. et al. Recuento de plaquetas y volumen plaquetario medio en una población sana. Rev Diagn Biol [online]. 2002, vol.51, n.2, pp.51-53. ISSN 0034-7973.

Background: Check the platelets number of our population (according to some authors, lower than others platelets number of northern Europe population), as well as their correlation whit mean platelet volume (MPV), and the anticoagulants (EDTA and citrate) influence in these platelets number.  Subjects and methods: It was measured platelets number and MPV in 933 healthy men and women. A reference range of 95,5% was calculated for counting platelets and it was referred to MPV and hemoglobin concentration.  Results: The platelets number (mean; standard deviation) was (226; 46) x 109/l, with limits of 144 and 326, and it was bigger for the women (234; 47) than for the men (224;46), reaching only significantly statistic importance in the group from 31 to 40 years old. The MPV measured in EDTA was (8,8; 0,9fl), with limits of 6,7 and 14.3; without differences among sexes. An inverse correlationship was observed (r = -0,465) with the MPV, not existing correlationship with the haemoglobin concentration. A significantly bigger MPV was observed with EDTA (9,9; 0,9) than with citrate (11; 1,0), with good correlationship between each other (r = 0,91).  Conclusions: The platelets mean number is higher in women, without apparent relationship with the haemoglobin concentration, but with an inverse correlationship with the MPV. Contrary to others Spanish studies, our platelets number, although sensibly lower than other countries, are similar to those of northern Europe population. Finally, we believe necessary more extensive studies in our country to be able to establish correct reference ranges.

Palabras clave : platelets number; mean platelet volume; anticoagulants.

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