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Actas Urológicas Españolas

versión impresa ISSN 0210-4806


AGUIRRE BENITES, F. et al. Ileal neobladder with double chimney: Ureterointestinal anastomosis. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2005, vol.29, n.4, pp.360-364. ISSN 0210-4806.

Radical cystoprostatectomy is accepted as the standard treatment for muscle-invasive bladder cancer. During last years the indications for orthotopic neobladders have increased due to their advantages over other kind of diversions. Hautmann neobladder is one of the most commonly used. Several modifications have been later described. For example, after perform the W-shape pouch ureters can be anastomosed to a not-detubularized bowel segment (chimney modification). Here is described a modification of the Hautmann neobladder with two chimneys. Each ureter is spatulated in a golf club manner and anastomosed to the open end of each bowel loop. This kind of anastomosis provides several advantages. It is possible to use shorter ureteral segments by increasing the length of bowel used. It allows an anastomosis without tension, and less ischemia, so the risk of stenosis and fistula is decreased. It is not necessary to perform additional enterothomies and in case of reintervention it is easier to access each anastomosis without damaging the other one.

Palabras clave : Cystoprostatectomy; Ileal neobladder; Ureteroileal anastomosis.

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