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vol.28The politics of silicosis in interwar Spain: Republican and Francoist approaches to occupational health"Air, sun, water": Ideology and activities of OZE (Society for the preservation of the health of the Jewish population) during the interwar period índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2340-7948versión impresa ISSN 0211-9536


BARONA, Josep L.  y  PERDIGUERO-GIL, Enrique. Health and the war: Changing schemes and health conditions during the Spanish civil war. Dynamis [online]. 2008, vol.28, pp.103-126. ISSN 2340-7948.

This paper focuses on the health reforms during the republican Spain (1931-1939) and the crisis derived from the three-year of civil war. It considers how the war affected the health system and the impairment of health conditions of the population during the late 1930s, considering the changing conditions caused by the conflict. Some of the specific topics analysed are the changing healthcare system, the adaptation of health organization after the outbreak of the war, the impact of the war on the health of the population and epidemiological changes, the problem of the refugees and the clinical studies by experts, mainly on undernourishment.

Palabras clave : Health; health organization; Spanish civil war; refugees.

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