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Anales de Psicología

versão On-line ISSN 1695-2294versão impressa ISSN 0212-9728


SERRANO-FERNANDEZ, María José; BOADA-GRAU, Joan; GIL-RIPOLL, Carme  e  VIGIL-COLET, Andreu. Spanish adaptation of the Passion Toward Work Scale (PTWS). Anal. Psicol. [online]. 2017, vol.33, n.2, pp.403-410. ISSN 1695-2294.

Passion for work has a great influence on workers' occupational health. Vallerand and his collaborators define two types of passion: harmonious and obsessive. With the first, people feel obliged to carry out an activity but freely decide to do it and do so in harmony with other aspects of their lives. With the second, although the person likes the activity, they feel obliged to take part in it because of internal circumstances that exercise control over them. In this context, our objective was to adapt Vallerand and Houlforfs Passion Toward Work Scale (PTWS) into Spanish. The participants were 513 workers selected through non-probability sampling. We used the FACTOR (version 7.2), SPSS 20.0 and Mplus 6.12 programs. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis (exploratory structural equation modelling) of the PTWS support the two-factor model (harmonious passion and obsessive passion), presenting appropriate reliability and evidence of validity with burnout, irritation, engagement and self-efficacy. The PTW scale and questionnaire are therefore reliable and valid instruments that are suitable for use in Spanish.

Palavras-chave : Occupational health; Passion for work; Scales; Spanish adaptation.

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