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Gaceta Sanitaria

Print version ISSN 0213-9111


ESCOBAR, Antonio; GONZALEZ, Nerea; QUINTANA, José M.  and  LAS HAYAS, Carlota. Prioritization of patients on the waiting list for hip and knee replacement: the patients' views. Gac Sanit [online]. 2005, vol.19, n.5, pp.379-385. ISSN 0213-9111.

Objective: To identify patients' views on the criteria used to prioritize patients on the waiting list for total hip or knee prostheses. This study is part of a wider project whose objective is to design an instrument to prioritize patients on the waiting list for both procedures. Material and methods: We performed a descriptive study with qualitative methodology that provides valuable information on how to improve various aspects of clinical practice and detect solutions that could be useful in decision making. There were 4 focus groups; 2 before the design of the instrument and 2 after. These focus group were composed of patients on the waiting list for knee or hip replacement. Results: Thirty-one patients agreed to participate in the focus groups. All the patients were dissatisfied with the current waiting lists. The most salient factors discussed in meetings were pain, functional capability, and the repercussions of these on the patient's social role. Conclusions: Although the instrument is designed to be used by health professionals, patients' participation in its design and evaluation allows them to feel more involved in the healthcare process and provides information that more accurately reflects their experiences. The use of this information by health professionals will improve resource optimization and the response to patient needs.

Keywords : Waiting lists; Prioritization criteria; Focus groups; Patients.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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