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Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo

On-line version ISSN 1989-7790Print version ISSN 0465-546X


GONZALEZ GOMEZ, María Fernanda. Jobs developed by women and asbestos: The "accidental" findings. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2011, vol.57, n.223, pp.106-110. ISSN 1989-7790.

The exposure to asbestos fibers is a real risk for workers´ health, that can be affected many years after the contact with this substance. In compliance with current European and National legislation, a specific program has been developed in Madrid, to follow these people´s health. Firstly, a cohort of exposed people whose health must be followed has been created. This cohort is mostly comprised of males (96,5 %), who worked manufacturing products containing asbestos. However, having discovered a woman who had worked for a company with no declared exposure, ill from a disease related to asbestos, has revealed that there are other kinds of occupational activities in contact with these fibers, never having been considered as activities at risk because, since they were developed by women, they were invisible. The introduction of gender perspective in institutions´ activities and programs, will improve their quality and it will favour the real equity in the exercise of workers rights for both, men and women.

Keywords : asbestos; occupational disease; gender.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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