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Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo

On-line version ISSN 1989-7790Print version ISSN 0465-546X


LOPEZ VILLAESCUSA, María Teresa et al. Chronic actinic dermatitis in laboral world. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2012, vol.58, n.227, pp.128-135. ISSN 1989-7790.

Introduction: In the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, solar radiation is the main cause of photobiological responses in the skin, such as chronic actinic dermatitis. Objetive: We performed a retrospective study of patients, with chronic actinic dermatitis seen in our department: "Dermatología Laboral del Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid", from 1987 to present. Material and methods: We evaluated age, sex, personal history, work activity as a predisposing factor, characteristic of lesions and the results of allergy patch tests. Photobiological study was not performed. Results: We studied 6 male patients, aged between 39 and 56, with significant sun exposure at work. The clinic was similar, with eczematous lesions in photoexposed areas. The result of patch testing was positive in two patients. Discussion: 75 per cent of cases of chronic actinic dermatitis are associated with an allergen. The main limitations are the lack of photobiological study in patients. The outdoor professional work implies primary risk, such as ultraviolet radiation exposition, which is necessary to control for greater safety al work.

Keywords : Allergen; chronic actinic dermatitis; laboral risk; photoprotection; ultraviolet radiation.

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