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vol.58 número229Chico Pereira, Ganador del Premio Cinematográfico de la Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo con el largometraje "El Invierno de Pablo"Estudio bibliométrico sobre tuberculosis en trabajadores de la salud índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo

versión On-line ISSN 1989-7790versión impresa ISSN 0465-546X


BALLESTEROS PENA, Sendoa. Factors associated with professional burnout among basic life support caregivers in the Basque Country: A qualitative research. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2012, vol.58, n.229, pp.294-302. ISSN 1989-7790.

Objective: To identify possible factors associated with professional burnout among basic life support caregivers in the Basque Country. Method: A qualitative research was performed. We conducted an analysis of the discus of eight interpretive individual interviews with caregivers in basic life support units who presented scores compatible with burnout on the Maslach Burnout Inventory. The selection of participants was intentional. Results: The data analysis found that ambulance personnel have disagreed with emergency system organizational structure and recognition of their professional role. They show a progressive emotional detachment to patients. An inadequate use of healthcare resources are increased the number of conflicts with patients and their families. Conclusions: The organizational structure of emergency system, dealing with the patient and family and professional status of emergency medical technicians are key factors predisposing to burnout.

Palabras clave : Professional Burnout; Emergency Medical Services; Occupational Health.

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