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Psychosocial Intervention

On-line version ISSN 2173-4712Print version ISSN 1132-0559


TORREGROSA, Maria S.; INGLES, Candido J.  and  GARCIA-FERNANDEZ, Jose M.. Aggressive behavior as a predictor of self-concept: a study with a sample of Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education students. Psychosocial Intervention [online]. 2011, vol.20, n.2, pp.201-212. ISSN 2173-4712.

This study analyzed the relationship between aggressive behavior and self-concept in a sample of 2,022 Spanish students (51.09% males) of Compulsory Secondary Education, ranging in age from 12 to 16 years. Aggressive behavior was assessed using the Teenage Inventory of Social Skills (TISS), and selfconcept was assessed with the Self-Description Questionnaire II (SDQ-II). Logistic regression analyses showed that adolescents with aggressive behavior were more likely to perceive their relationship with their parents as negative, show little interest in verbal activities, be less sincere, and have lower self-esteem than their non-aggressive peers. Furthermore, despite models varied according to sex and grade, in most cases adolescents with high aggressive behavior also showed a higher probability of perceiving their relation with peers of the same sex in a negative way, being less interested in school domains and showing higher emotional instability than their non-aggressive counterparts. Non-expected results were obtained regarding the perceptions about interactions with peers of the opposite sex and physical appearance. Results are discussed attending to their practical implications.

Keywords : adolescence; aggressive behavior; secondary education; self-concept.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )


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