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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


PEZO SILVA, Maria Concepción; COSTA STEFANELLI, Maguida  and  KOMURA HOGA, Luiza Akiko. Families living with depression: from the initial misunderstanding to the search for help. Index Enferm [online]. 2004, vol.13, n.47, pp.11-15. ISSN 1699-5988.

Family living with depression illness Depression is reachimg alarming levels in the word. This investigation reflects the path followed by the family when one of its members shows the early signs and symptoms of depression, until the moment it is diagnosed. The objective was learn about the early perception of the family about this sickness and the search for help for its treatment. It consists of a qualitative ethnographic study. Data were obtained through participant observation and interviews with the families in the environment where they live. Ethic aspects were considered according to Resolution 196/96 (Brazil). Participants consisted of 13 families which had a member with depression, living in the perippheral neighborhoods and assisted as outpatients in the Psychiatric Institute of the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. The analysis of the data allowed the construct of two categories, one that reflects the delay of families to perceive behavioral alterations as a consequence of the sickness and one that shows the trajectory followed by the family as they look for help to treat the depression. The depression is seen not only as an individual sickness but also as a phenomenon that affects the family life.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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