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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

versión impresa ISSN 1134-8046


PAVEZ ULLOA, Francisco Josué. Hot packs like intervention to reduce musculoskeletal pain: An analysis of evidence. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2008, vol.15, n.5, pp.335-339. ISSN 1134-8046.

Introduction: The pain in children causes an average of 21 million days of school lost and in hardworking employees in the United States it provoke a loss of 147 million workdays. The pain produces musculoskeletal disorders and the therapeutic modes use themselves commonly in his treatment. One of the most therapeutic modalities used are the hot packs. Do not exist as the available proof on the effectiveness of the hot compresses like intervention to reduce the musculoskeletal pain. Objectives: To determinate if scientific proof that the effectiveness of the hot packs like effective intervention in the relief of the pain exists . To group the best clinical available proof in relation to the analgesia produced by the humid hot compresses. To assess the quality of the studies that the effects of the hot compresses on patients with pain investigated. Materials and methods: The randomized controlled trials were looked into data bases MEDLINE, Cochrane Library Plus, CINAHL, DARE. The aforementioned studies were applied PEDro's scale to evaluate its validity and at a later time the proof according to the scale of Oxford Evidenced-Based Centre was classified. Results: They included 4 randomized controlled trials and one systematic review that abode by the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. Conclusion: Exists evidence of level 1b and recommendation type A that the hot compresses cause beneficial effects on the pain of form to such that they increase the power of a later intervention. Even there is not enough investigation to formulate adequate findings.

Palabras clave : Hot Packs; Pain; Systematic review.

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