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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


ANDRES, J. de  and  SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DEL DOLOR. Grupo de Radiofrecuencia et al. Current status of radiofrequency techniques in Spain. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2011, vol.18, n.6, pp.351-360. ISSN 1134-8046.

Introduction: the use of minimally invasive techniques to treat patients with pain is a common practice in the field of medicine. Multiple percutaneous and minimally invasive techniques to treat moderate to severe pain have been introduced recently. Radiofrequency is one of these minimally invasive techniques that has grown substantially over the past decade in pain units, orthopaedic surgery units, radiology units and neurosurgery units. Objective: to evaluate the situation of radiofrequency procedures in Spain. Material and methods: a national survey was sent to the pain units in Spain through 2010. Results: 119 surveys were sent. Only 59 were completed. 60 didn't answer the survey. Admitting this conclusion can be a bias, at least 39% of the pain units in Spain are performing radiofrequency techniques. The mean number of procedures is 23 per month, with a maximum of 60 and a minimum of 2. The most frequently performed techniques are lumbar facet denervation and peripheral nerve pulsed radiofrequency. 85% of the pain units that perform Radiofrequency procedures had received specific training. 95% of the pain units are interested in receiving specific training for radiofrequency procedures.

Keywords : Radiofrequency; Pulsed radiofrequency; Minimally invasive techniques; Pain.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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