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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

versión impresa ISSN 1134-8046


MUNTANE SANCHEZ, A. et al. Treatment by CT-guided aspiration in a painful hidden intrasacral meningocele: case report and review of literature. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2014, vol.21, n.3, pp.146-148. ISSN 1134-8046.

Case reports: We report a 43-year old patient with a history of disabling pain sacrum 8/10 on the VAS of 8 months. No sensory disturbances were noted or loss of bowel control. Consultation conducted in multiple hospitals. She underwent a computed tomography (CT) lumbar that highlighted a hemangioma in L5, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis which showed muscle breakdown grade I of the left maximus gluteus, and a cystic lesion in the sacrum, which was interpreted as a Tarlov cyst. She received analgesic and anti-inflammatory treatment with no improvement. She also goes through two facet blocks and even a lock in the left piriformis, all without results. In our center we practised a lumbosacral MRI which highlighted a cystic lesion localized in central and right lateral sacral spinal canal at the level of S2-S3 transition. It was high signal on T2 and low signal on T1. Discussion: According to Nabors classification, this lesion corresponds to a hidden intrasacro meningocele. The hidden intrasacro meningocele (extradural meningeal cyst type classification LB Nabors) is a rare entity that usually develops between the third and fourth decade of life, as an insidious clinical lower extremity pain, with or without radicular symptoms, bowel dysfunction and sensory disturbances. The usual treatment of these lesions is surgical intervention. In our case puncture and evacuation guided by CT of the sacral cyst was performed, yielding about 2 cc of a sero-hematic fluid. The postoperative course was a remarkable improvement, and the sacral pain happened to be 3/10 on the VAS. In the literature that we have reviewed, this is the first case in which a hidden painful intrasacro meningocele is evacuated by CT-guided puncture.

Palabras clave : Occult intrasacral meningocele; Meningocele; Sacral cysts.

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