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Print version ISSN 1134-928X


RUIZ PRIETO, Daniel  and  GARCIA FERNANDEZ, Francisco Pedro. Use of antiseptics and antibiotics in the management of the bacterial load of chronic wounds. Gerokomos [online]. 2020, vol.31, n.4, pp.261-267.  Epub Feb 08, 2021. ISSN 1134-928X.


The objective of this review is to analyze the efficacy of different antiseptic dressings and local topical antibiotics in infected chronic wounds or with signs of critical colonization.


For the elaboration of this exploratory review several databases have been used (PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, Cuiden, Cochrane and LILACS), using search chains adapted to each base. Different types of original studies and reviews on healing, complete healing and/or cost-benefit have been included, making an estimate of the costs of the treatments according to the availability of data. Studies on burns, gray literature, clinical cases or cases series have been excluded.


20 articles have been included, of which 17 are original studies and 3 are reviews, obtaining that 19 articles treat on antiseptic dressings and 3 on local topical antibiotics used in infected chronic wounds or with signs of critical colonization, obtaining data on the effect that they produce in healing, complete healing and/or cost-benefit. All the products found have good results, although the most used and effective in these wounds is silver.


Silver is the most effective product for the complete healing or reducing size, being very profitable, since the costs of silver treatments are lower, obtaining greater benefits for the patient. The dialkylcarbamoyl chloride is a good alternative, because it is a very effective and profitable product.

Keywords : Dressings; antiseptics; antibiotics; chronic wounds.

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