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GARCIA BALLESTA, Carlos; PEREZ LAJARIN, Leonor  and  LOPEZ NICOLAS, Manuel. Management of traumatisms involving luxation. RCOE [online]. 2003, vol.8, n.2, pp.155-166. ISSN 1138-123X.

Periodontal ligament injuries are the most frequent forms of trauma, and tend to occur in both the deciduous dentition and in the early permanent dentition transition stages, when the dental socket space is large and the periodontal ligament is soft and unable to afford stable tooth fixation. Despite the advances achieved in the clinical and therapeutic knowledge of dental traumatology, the clinical management of dental luxations remains controversial.This study proposes a review of the diagnostic criteria as well as the different therapeutic steps necessary in the treatment of dental luxation. An analysis of the studies published in medical literature has been made, using the conventional resources. Conclusion: in the intrusive luxation, currently there is no defined treatment protocol available.

Keywords : Luxation; Permanent dentition; Treatment.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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