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vol.8 issue2Intra-alveolar transplantation: A therapeutic option in crown-root fractures author indexsubject indexarticles search
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GARCIA BALLESTA, Carlos; PEREZ LAJARIN, Leonor  and  CORTES LILLO, Olga. Root alterations in traumatisms of the periodontal ligament: systematic review. RCOE [online]. 2003, vol.8, n.2, pp.197-208. ISSN 1138-123X.

Periodontal ligament damage is very common as a result of falls or trauma. If the tooth is unable to fully absorb the energy of impact, displacement results, with damage to the periodontal ligament. This study offers a histological evaluation of the most frequent periodontal alteration, i. e. root resorption. Accordingly, a search of the articles and monographs on the subject has been made based on the Pubmed database, with a Medline search of the corresponding abstracts. Conclusion: to date, the precise mechanism responsible for root resistance to resorption under certain clinical conditions remains uncertain.

Keywords : Traumatic luxation; Dental trauma; External root resorption; Internal root resorption.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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