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vol.10 número2Determinación de la profundidad de curado y propiedades mecánicas de composites dentales fotopolimerizables experimentalesVía aérea difícil: interacciones entre ortodoncia y anestesiología índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1138-123X


SOL-SEGARRA, Eva; ESPASA-SUAREZ DE DEZA, Enrique  e  BOJ-QUESADA, Juan Ramón. Influence of different prophylaxis systems on the adhesion of a fissure sealant to the anamel. RCOE [online]. 2005, vol.10, n.2, pp.177-182. ISSN 1138-123X.

The adhesion of dental resins to the enamel not only depends on the acid etching, the prophylaxis methods can influence the bond strength. The objective of this study was to evaluate the adhesion of a light-cured sealant using previously different prophylaxis methods and two different etching times, thirty and fifteen seconds: Eighty, third molars surgically extracted were sectioned into two halves (buccal and lingual). The teeth were divided into 8 groups of 20 samples each, according to prophylaxis type: pumice powder, fluoridated paste, sodium bicarbonate spray, and control (no prophylaxis); and etching time: 30 and 15 seconds. Tensile bond strengths were studied using a universal Instron testing machine: A statistical ANOVA test was used, significant differences on the tensile strength test were detected; post-hoc Dunnett test founded these differences between control and pumice powder prophylaxis groups and the other two groups (fluoridated paste and sodium bicarbonate spray groups) for 15 and 30 seconds acid etching time (p<0,05). Bond strength results were higher in the sodium bicarbonate group.

Palavras-chave : Pit and fissure sealant; Prophylaxis methods; Acid etching; Bond strength.

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