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Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

On-line version ISSN 2386-8201Print version ISSN 1699-695X


ARRIOLA-HERNANDEZ, Maite et al. Prevalence of chronic kidney disease and associated factors in the “young elderly”. Rev Clin Med Fam [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.2, pp.78-85. ISSN 2386-8201.


To assess the renal function in a population group, aged 65 to 74 years, and to analyse the possible relationship between declining renal function with different variables.


Cross-sectional observational study of prevalence and analysis of the variables involved in renal function decline.


Patients, aged 65 to 74 years, assigned to a health centre. The sample size was calculated for an estimated prevalence of 11%, with 2% accuracy and expected losses / rejections of 10%, and a confidence interval of 95%.


Final study population included 388 people (4.2% of loss). The average glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was 78.86 (95%CI 77.37 to 80.35) according to CKD-EPI and 85.15 (95%CI 82.28 to 87.02) according to MDRD-4. The prevalence of CKD was 11.1% (95%CI 9.2 to 12.9) according to CKD-EPI and 7.5% (95%CI 5.9 to 9.1) according to MDRD-4, with a percentage of 63.7% (95%CI 60.9 to 66.6) and 55.2% (95%CI 52.3 to 58.1) respectively in stage 2 of KDIGO classification. In multivariate analysis by multiple linear regression, the presence of CKD and decrease in GFR were associated with older age (p=0.06 and p <0.01), male (p <0.01 in both cases) and a greater number of drugs consumed (p <0.01 and p <0.05).


High prevalence of impaired renal function in this age group, with age, sex and drug use as predicting factors of declining renal function. Confirmation of the increased sensitivity of CKD-EPI over MDRD-4 to detect this deterioration.

Keywords : Renal Insufficiency Chronic; Glomerular Filtration Rate; Aged.

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