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Sanidad Militar

Print version ISSN 1887-8571


DE GRANDA ORIVE, J.. The Medical Service and medical aspects in Fernando Poo during the government of the brigadiers (1859-1869). Sanid. Mil. [online]. 2011, vol.67, n.1, pp.53-60. ISSN 1887-8571.

The first organic statutes of the colony passed in 1858, established a new administrative and military organization for the islands which tried to push forward the colonization of Guinea. During the ten years of applicability of this decree the governors of these possessions were four Army brigadiers, while a Medical Service platoon was responsible for the medical care of the population. In this article its creation and activities are studied as well as the environmental and sanitary conditions that had an impact on its work.

Keywords : Spain; Guinea; Fernando Poo; Medical Service; 19th century.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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