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vol.9 issue3Los movimientos antivacunacion y su presencia en internetUn paciente informado, es un paciente con mejor salud: iniciativa #FFpaciente author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 1988-348X


FERNANDEZ BATALLA, Marta et al. Conceptualización de la toma de decisiones en el cuidado: acercamiento desde la vacunación. Ene. [online]. 2015, vol.9, n.3. ISSN 1988-348X.

Vaccination is a key area for prevention. Every time they are expanding the types of vaccines available to protect people from the problems they prevent. For this reason and to be therapeutic, they only have to be administered at the appropriate time and under appropriate conditions, be sure to be important decisions to be taken before the vaccine act. Although there are variables to a decision are diverse and seem implied, they are required for a study to know them and ask computational tools of high usability and usefulness.

Keywords : Vaccination; Decision Making; Nursing Care; Diagnosis of health situation.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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