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vol.13 issue2Efectividad de una intervención enfermera comunitaria en el ámbito escolar para la mejora de hábitos alimentarios, de actividad física y de sueño-descansoInadecuación de la urgencia pediátrica hospitalaria y sus factores asociados author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 1988-348X


GORDILLO JULON, Miguel Amberly et al. Health education and cultural practices in relation to post-vaccinal adverse reactions in the infant. Ene. [online]. 2019, vol.13, n.2, 1323.  Epub Oct 21, 2019. ISSN 1988-348X.


Cultural practices are part of a community and will definitely influence the health care of its members; therefore, the nurse must assess these practices before providing health education to parents about post-vaccinal care.


To describe the health education provided by the nursing professional and the cultural practices of mothers in a high Andean area of ​​Peru, against the adverse post-vaccinal adverse reactions of the younger infant.


Qualitative study, with ethnographic design, with a sample of 25 participants.


Health education and cultural practices in the face of fever, pain and post-vaccinal erythema.


The nursing professional educates about postvaccinal care and emphasizes the use of paracetamol to control fever; but when trying to respect the mothers' habits, it indicates that they use the potato slice, the chamomile cloths, the breast milk, the vick vaporub ointment, around the area where the vaccine was injected; There is a potential risk that the desired effect will not be achieved.

Keywords : Health education; practices cultural; vaccination; adverse effects; infant nursing.

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