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The European Journal of Psychiatry
versión impresa ISSN 0213-6163


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Eur. J. Psychiat. vol.21 no.1 Zaragoza ene./mar. 2007

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 Improving Mental Health Services in Primary Care
 ·  GP mental health care in 10 European countries: patients' demands and GPs' responses
Verhaak, Peter F.M.; Bensing, Jozien M.; Brink-Muinen, Atie v d

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 ·  Improving the quality of mental health care in primary care settings: a view from the United Kingdom
Gask, Linda

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 ·  Improving the Classification of Medically Unexplained Symptoms in Primary Care
Rosendal, M.; Fink, P.; Falkoe, Erik; Schou Hansen, Henriette; Olesen, F.

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 ·  Improving long-term outcome of depression in primary care: a review of RCTs with psychological and supportive interventions
Smit, Annet; Tiemens, Bea G.; Ormel, Johan

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 ·  Do mail-shots improve access to primary care for young men with depression?
Walters, Paul; Fellow, MRC; Fisher, James; Tylee, André

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 Reports from Individual Countries
 ·  Mental Health Problems in Primary Care: Progress in North America
Magruder, Kathryn M.; Yeager, Derik E.

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 ·  General practitioners are bearing an increasing burden of the care of common mental disorders in France
Norton, Joanna; David, Michel; Boulenger, Jean-Philippe

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 ·  Somatic and psychiatric co-morbidity in Primary Care patients in Spain
Lobo, A.; Campos, R.; Marcos, G.; García-Campayo, J.; Campayo, A.; López-Antón, R.; Pérez-Echeverría, MJ.

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 ·  Models of collaboration between general practice and mental health services in Italy
Berardi, Domenico; Bortolotti, Biancamaria; Menchetti, Marco; Bombi, Annarosa; Tarricone, Ilaria

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