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Search on : GUILERA, GEORGINA [Author]
References found : 4 [refine]
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 Guilera, Georgina et al. Antipsychotic effects on cognition in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Eur. J. Psychiat., June 2009, vol.23, no.2, p.77-89. ISSN 0213-6163
    · abstract in english    · text in english

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 Sampietro, Hernán María et al. Evidence of validity and reliability for the spanish version of the self-identified stage of recovery. Psicothema, 2024, vol.36, no.2, p.165-173. ISSN 1886-144X

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 Bartolomé-Valenzuela, Marina, Pereda, Noemí and Guilera, Georgina Prevalencia de experiencias adversas y victimización en personas adultas con trastorno mental grave en Barcelona. Gac Sanit, 2023, vol.37. ISSN 0213-9111

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 Pereda, Noemí et al. Victimización sexual autorreportada en adolescentes españoles comunitarios y en colectivos de riesgo. Gac Sanit, Oct 2015, vol.29, no.5, p.328-334. ISSN 0213-9111

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