logo of the journal Acción Psicológica

ISSN 1578-908X - printed version
    ISSN 2255-1271 - online version



Manuscript preparation

All articles submitted must be original and not have been previously published in any version or have been submitted simultaneously for publication in other journal.

Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association-APA (6th edition), available in the following webpage, http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4200066.aspx.

The manuscripts will be sent in formats: ".doc" or ".docx".

Manuscripts will be accepted in English or Spanish languages. If the paper is written in English, an abstract of 100-200 words in Spanish will be required.

The articles will be double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12 point, with all margins to 1 in. The maximum length of articles will be 6000 words (including title, abstract, references, figures, tables and appendices). The numbering of the pages will be located in the upper right.

Other formatting instructions, as well as instructions on preparing tables, figures, references, metrics, and abstracts, appear in the Manual.

The acceptance of manuscripts depends on their compliance with these recommendations.


Submission of papers

The journal Acción Psicológica does not charge fees for job submission, nor fees for publishing your articles.

The submission of manuscripts should be done throught the website that UNED has for its journals. It is necessary to register (with user and password) to send papers and check the state of sendings.

To register for an UNED's account, authors must access to the following webpage, http://e-spacio.uned.es/revistasuned/index.php/accionpsicologica/user/register

To login for its account, authors must access to the following webpage, http://e-spacio.uned.es/revistasuned/index.php/accionpsicologica/login


Privacy statement

In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on Protection of Personal Data, we inform that the personal data entered into Psychological Action will be included in a file owned by the UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA (UNED), which aims to ensure communication with the authors who have published in the journal Acción Psicológica.

Personal data will not be transferred or communicated to third parties except in the cases indicated, by law and necessary for the control, development and fulfillment of their relationship.

Also, any time you can exercise your right of access, rectification, cancellation and, where appropriate, opposition by sending a written request, enclosing a photocopy of your ID card, addressed to the UNED at the Applied Psychology Service, located in C / Juan del Rosal No 10 (1 st Floor), 28040 Madrid.


Evaluation process

Acción Psicológica will acknowledge receipt of manuscripts received, which will be reviewed first by the associate editor to verify their compliance with the publishing line of the journal. Overcome this phase, the manuscript will be sent to two external and independent reviewers, who will judge the convenience of his publication. The method of peer review employee is of double blind, wich guarantees the anonymity of authors and reviewers. Authors will receive feedback from reviewers and the editor / director (partner), which will inform the decision on their manuscript (acceptance, rejection, or invitation to revise and resubmit) within 60 days from receipt.


Copyright note

Authors will receive a contract, which must return signed, establishing the terms of transfer of copyright to Acción Psicológica. The opinions and contents of the articles published in Acción Psicológica are responsibility of the authors and do not compromise the scientific and political opinion of the journal. Authors are also responsible for providing copies of the raw data, ratings, and, in general, relevant experimental material to interested readers.


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© 2016 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia UNED)

Facultad de Psicología
Servicio de Psicología Aplicada (SPA)
C/ Juan del Rosal nº 10
28040 - Madrid (Spain)
